"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God." Matthew 5:9

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Micah Six Eight: Porter Update

I am advocating for a little boy named Porter who is being adopted.  The Nalle family has a giveaway that you can enter.  Each $5 donation is one entry.  There is an iPad as one of the prizes.

Micah Six Eight: Porter Update: For the last two weekends (and this next weekend too) Ben and Elijah have been participating in drama which means that Aaron has been h...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Roland Wesley

       I may not have been very clear about what I am "screaming and yelling" about.  I have met many families through a online support group who have adopted children with arthrogryposis.  Many more children are still abandoned in EE orphanages.  These children need to get out of there quickly and get the best care possible, first in a loving home, and then with the best doctor in the world,Dr. Harold van Bosse ( I say that with great affection, because he is my daughter's doctor also).  I have screamed and yelled for several children already, which means I borrow material from another blog, so hopefully, someone who reads my blog will read their story.
          A friend has adopted an adorable little boy from Ukraine.  Theirs is a wonderful story of hope, love and faith (and a lot of money, it costs $25,000 to bring an orphan home, totally worth every). penny).  Roland is cute beyond belief and yes, he has arthrogryposis.  His mom has an amazing blog which tells the whole adventure of their adoption of Roland.
           Her latest post is about the good, the bad and the ugly :) of adoption and his treatment for arthrogryposis.  Not only did they travel to Ukraine to adopt him ( two months ago), but this weekend they flew to Philadelphia to see the aforementioned world expert Dr. van Bosse.   They have a very happy ending to this trip.  They ended up having a good times with friends, two happy children (daughter Laelia) and the beginning of treatment to get Roland to be able to walk.
     So please read her blog post http://www.laeliasky.com/2012/09/23/first-trip-to-philly-with-rolly/.  This will really make you smile on a Monday, which is always useful.  Please say prayers for other children who are waiting in EE, who need families to adopt them.
   I have videos at the bottom of this page if you want to learn more about the situations in the orphanages.
Roland Wesley, isn't he the cutest!!!!
Roland and his new family! 
I am so happy to SCREAM and YELL for this family and wish them everlasting happiness.  Roland will be getting treatment for his arthrogryposis in Philadelphia where the amazing Dr. Harold van Bosse practices at Shriner's Hospital for Children, the same place where his sister goes.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Igor's family

I first saw this face a couple years ago.  I prayed for him and donated to his fund and started this blog because of him.   He has his own family now.   I am so excited for him and his family .  Their blog is here

Thursday, September 13, 2012



Friday, September 7, 2012

Arthrogryposis Adoption: A post from Raymond's Prayer Warrior

Arthrogryposis Adoption: A post from Raymond's Prayer Warrior: As we end August and the month for Raymond we share a blogpost from his prayer warrior, Samantha! She will continue to pray for and advocat...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SCREAMING and YELLING!! for Porter, Everett and Owen!

Today I cried for my friend Julia, who made this post about three little boys who need saved. Literally saved, from a hell on earth.   Please use this post to SCREAM and YELL for these little boys.  But first PRAY and ask others to pray.  Please share on facebook to everyone you know.   Today, pray for these three little boys, Today, share their story with everyone you know.  Today, today, today....... and tomorrow, for all of their tomorrows.

Micah Six Eight: Down On My Knees: Grief overwhelmed me a few weeks ago.   It completely caught me off guard. Grief for two little boys I have never met but who have ...